The Sassá Collection was founded on September 11, 2017; by law; but fashion has always been in my heart! Making my brand a household name since the day that I laid eyes on fabric, has been my goal! My brand is an urbanwear, and upscale, type of brand. I want to appeal to all body types, and every culture! I think fashion is the only thing that can separate people, from society’s “norm” and my brand is meant to do just that, separate the real fashionistas from the perpetrators. My brand doesn’t cater to one body type, or gender, this brand is dedicated to making every member of society feel unique, and fearless!

At a young age, I used to cut up pants, and bleach clothes, to set aside my appearance from those that I went to school with, I used to purposely dress different, and stand out just to make a difference. I noticed that being like everyone else was boring, and you’d still end up being talked about, so why not be yourself!!! I wasn’t afraid to overstep boundaries when it came to fashion, because I realized that as soon as I did something drastic, others would make the change, slowly, but surely, mimicking my style! That is the whole purpose of fashion, to be an influence to society!

Fashion Design Brand Contact:

The Sassá Collection
Ph: 202.991.0750
IG: thesassacxl
FB: thesassacxl
Pintrest: thesassacxl
Melaninetrest: thesassacxl
eBay: thesassacxl
Amazon: thesassacxl