The sketching brand Torisketching is self invested and created on the Shopify website located in the Canadian area. The masterminds behind the manufacturing company is mainly printify and kin customs. Which are some of the great reasons why I enjoy working as a SEO on the website. The prints are ordered from these locations and are the best. My office locations are in Tempe, Arizona, and my new location for the fashion show is located in the new York area in Brooklyn.

I am self introduced as Victoria and my middle name is Angela. I prefer to be honest and upfront with everyone and know why my logo is considered Torisketching. I started in Chicago, Illinois as a plain sketch artist in heartland community college, and transferred to Arizona State University to pursue my career as a fashion design student. Besides studying politics for paralegal services I felt that being seen is better than just being heard. Today in my prime I work on the shirts with lots of color and experiment with cutting tools to recreate the appearance of my outfit. I do have other goals that includes interior design techniques for the near future located in New York. I feel enhancing my ability to expand and create other things for Torisketching could brighten my life as well as yours.

Company Contact:

Ph: 480.599.3069
and searchTorisketching
Torisketching or
Friendly designs
Arizona, USA