Qiana Tara, started Qiana Tarah with one goal in mind; To create affordable, timeless & ultra feminine RTW pieces for women of all ages. There isn’t a cap on sexiness or sophistication & every woman could benefit from it in her life. Women should feel beautiful & adorned & the Qiana Tarah brand epitomizes this & dresses women in wipsy, soft, luxurious & vibrant textiles with dainty yet strong details.

For the Fall 2020, Qiana Tarah’s inspiration is the tuxedo & where it has been transformed it into feminine silhouettes. This is Qiana Tarah’s debut collection at NYFW.

Qiana Tara has had a love for fashion since girlhood. She began her fashion career working as an Marketing Sample Coordination/Stylist & later as a Flat Stylist for E-Commerce sites, while working her way through Parson School of Design & later transferring to F.I.T, where she graduated & received a degree in Fashion Design. While working in the fashion industry as a CAD & Textile Designer, she began her own label, Qiana Tarah, designing ready to wear clothing for women & a leather bow cuff & headband accessory line. She now works as a Patternmaker & Seamstress & freelances as a CAD/Textile Designer. Her bow cuffs & bow headbands are sold on Shopify.

Company Contact:

Qiana Tarah
Email: qiana@qianatarah.com
Ph: 917.409.7019
IG & FB: Qiana Tarah
New Jersey, USA